In February (when he turned 1), Miles was 25 pounds and 31.5 inches long.
We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to be with our little man these past 12+ months. He truly melts our hearts and fills our souls with joy. I never knew that loving another human being could be so amazing, but it is. And it gets better each day. We only hope and pray he continues to be a happy, healthy, rambunctious little guy. Matt and I are so incredibly blessed with this perfect human being. We have sure had a blast watching him grow up to be a toddler. I know one day soon we will look back on this time in our lives and wish it was still there. That is why we take each day in stride and take the good times with the bad. All of our fellow parents, especially new parents, out there understand that it is not an easy road to raise little ones. However, we have found that if you work together, you can accomplish so much more.
Thanks to Matt for being my teammate in this whole parent thing. I cannot imagine what I would do if he wasn't there. You see, he gets to wake up with Miles every weekday morning because I have to be at work before 7am. Some may think that he would not be happy with that. Yet, he never grumbles. He enjoys the quality time he gets to spend with Miles. He sends me silly pictures and makes me wish I was home to experience it first hand. I am so grateful that Miles has an amazing father!
So...let's push this mushy gushy stuff aside and get to the fun things....
He was very upset at me for making him sit in this picture. He wanted to walk around. Typical Miles!
This month's MILEStones:
- I am walking everywhere and practically running.
I am dancing.
- I am still in size 4 diapers.
- I am wearing 18-24 month clothes and some 2T's.
- I am throwing fits when I dont' get my way.
- I love TV, especially when it has singing on it.
- I still like Elmo.
- My new favorite TV shows are the Bubble Guppies and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
- I LOVE real milk and don't take formula anymore.
- My favorite foods are spaghetti and green beans.
- I take 2 naps a day.
- I have been going to Parents' Day Out and like it.
- I like to turn the lights on and off.
- I am talking in my own language.
Miles turned 1 on Thursday, February 28th. We spent the evening together, and went to dinner with Mimi at the Jackson Country Club.
He got his own birthday cupcake after the mess he made at dinner.
He kept wanting to grab the candle.
Then, after dinner, he had his first REAL milk bottle. He downed it in about 2 minutes!!
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